Rare work-related post: Map data manipulation using older GDAL and OGR libraries in C#, which is a more obscure API compared to many Python and CLI answers found online.
NuGet packages: GDAL 1.11.1, GDAL.Native 1.11.1
using OSGeo.GDAL; using OSGeo.OGR;
// Provided parameters // For clarity, these are declared explicitly // But they should be passed as arguments to a method // Path to original raster image, shape, and rasterized polygon image var rasterFilePath = "C:/Temp/image.tiff"; var polygonFilePath = "C:/Temp/polygon.shp"; var rasterizedPolygonFilePath = "C:/Temp/polygon.tiff"; // Extent / bounding box for the image // As an example, a field in Ohio var north = 41.60329; var south = 41.58917; var east = -83.20192; var west = -83.18218; // Which value on the image means "no data" // As an example, solid white var noDataValue = 1.0; // Polygon in OGR format // As an example, created from some unspecified JSON OSGeo.Geometry.Polygon clippingPolygon = Ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson("{}"); GdalConfiguration.ConfigureGdal(); Ogr.RegisterAll(); // Open raster image dataset to be updated using(var rasterDataset = Gdal.Open(rasterFilePath, Access.GA_Update)) { // Rasterize the clipping polygon using (var polygonDataSource = Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CreateDataSource(polygonFilePath)) { // Create an OGR layer and add the polygon as a feature to it var polygonLayer = polygonDataSource.CreateLayer("Polygon", null, wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon, null); var polygonFeature = new Feature(polygonLayer.GetLayerDefn()); polygonFeature.SetGeometry(clippingPolygon); polygonLayer.CreateFeature(polygonFeature); // Create a new TIFF file with the same size as the original and rasterize the polygon into it using (var rasterizedPolygonDataset = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") .Create(rasterizedPolygonFilePath, rasterDataset.RasterXSize, rasterDataset.RasterYSize, 1, DataType.GDT_Byte, null)) { var pixelWidth = (east - west) / rasterDataset.RasterXSize; var pixelHeight = (north - south) / rasterDataset.RasterYSize; // Your original raster image might be north-down (since screen down and north are both a positive direction) // Make sure to set the geotransform correctly // Per GDAL docs, GeoTransform array contains: // [0] X-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel of the image. // [1] W-E pixel width // [2] row rotation (typically zero) // [3] Y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel of the image. // [4] column rotation (typically zero) // [5] N-S pixel width var rasterizedPolygonGeoTransform = new double[] { west, pixelWidth, 0, south, 0, pixelHeight }; rasterizedPolygonDataset.SetGeoTransform(rasterizedPolygonGeoTransform); Gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterizedPolygonDataset, 1, new int[] { 1 }, polygonLayer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, null, null, null, null); } // Close the rasterized polygon dataset to write it to disk } // Close the polygon datasource, done using it // Re-open the rasterized polygon using (var rasterizedPolygonDataset = Gdal.Open(rasterizedPolygonFilePath, Access.GA_ReadOnly)) { // Mask the original TIFF file by filling all points outside the polygon with No Data value var dataBand = rasterDataset.GetRasterBand(1); var maskBand = rasterizedPolygonDataset.GetRasterBand(1); dataBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); Gdal.FillNoData(dataBand, maskBand, 1.0, 0, null, null, null); } // Close the rasterized polygon Dataset, done using it } // Close the original image to write it to disk
(C) PTx Trimble 2024