Welcome to my corner of the internet!
I enjoy reading books, building electronics projects, tinkering with devices, writing PICO-8 games, various other nerdy things, and good old household DIY.
Visit this site on Gemini (What is Gemini?)
Also visit my friend Dmytro who builds 3D printers and restores computers!
2024-12-20 Aggregated list of older smart devices and what OS can be installed on them
Featuring 1100+ devices and 9 operating systems as of now. Looking at periodically refreshing this list.
2024-11-20 Rear camera for my Chevy Volt
Installing and wiring an aftermarket rear camera on my Chevy Volt.
2024-10-25 iPad's audio jack as an external trigger
Using old iPad's 3.5mm audio jack as an input for external buttons or switches.
2024-09-06 Broken Earth Trilogy
Thoughts on N. K. Jemisin's fantastic world.
2024-07-30 Maps and navigation apps for old iOS
(Updated 2025-02-04) Brief overview of map and navigation apps that still work on an old iPad 2 running iOS 6.1.3, iOS 8.4.1, and/or iOS 9.3.5.
2024-06-17 JavaScript click-to-zoom function
Simple JavaScript function to enable click-to-zoom on all images on the page. Written as a solution for WISYWIG site editors without this feature and/or pages that have high-res images squashed to small size.
2024-05-16 Android: boot on plug, launch app after boot, shutdown on condition
(Updated 2024-10-12) Part of the Volty MIR project, but can be used for non-interactive applications.
2024-04-21 Older Spotify Android APK that works much better
Spotify app circa 2021 is more reliable on Android 11 and over bluetooth.
2024-04-08 North American Solar Eclipse
A truly awesome celestial event. Seeing the totality exceeded all of my expectations.
2024-04-04 Volty MIR - [M]ap + [I]intelligent [R]everse Camera (WIP)
Project to build a display capable of showing maps and reverse camera feed for my first-gen Chevy Volt.
2024-03-31 Volty Pi - more ideas
A few more ideas on integrating a carputer into my Chevy Volt.
2024-02-29 Dark Streets Tech Demo 1
Playable demo of a Wolfenstein-like FPS I have been developing on PICO-8.
2024-02-24 Spaceport
New capsule/site build script and small design update.
2024-01-31 Main bathroom update
A few updates in the main bathroom.
2024-01-25 PinePhone - Post daily driver review
Review of PinePhone after a month of daily driving.
2023-12-18 "Banned" by reddit
Reddit makes another step in restricting access.
2023-12-15 PinePhone - ProtonMail
My setup for using ProtonMail on PinePhone.
2023-12-05 PinePhone - Setup
Setting up PinePhone for daily use.
2023-10-31 Spooky stories: My cat is radioactive
Measuring my cat's radiation levels after radioactive iodine (I-131) treatment.
2023-10-20 Coworkers you meet as a software developer
Just some cynical observations from a decade of work.
2023-08-10 Simple Synapse Admin Tool
Small, simple, single-page web tool for handling users, rooms, and registration tokens on your Matrix Synapse server.
2023-06-13 Последний программист (рассказ)
Автор Gerbert V. Franke, перевел с немецкого Ростислав Рыбкин. Опубликован в журнале Наука и Жизнь №7 1990.
2023-04-09 My tech room
Cleaned up and updated basement storage room repurposed for my 3D printers and electronics.
2023-03-14 Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein - my biased thoughts on the book
I finally read Starship Troopers, one of the sci-fi classics and subject of much criticism and political discussion, and these are my (biased) thoughts on it.
2023-02-21 PinePhone adapter for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra accessories
3D-printed back cover for PinePhone that fits Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra accessories, such as battery cases.
2023-01-21 Synapse Room Cleaner
Simple web tool to clean up rooms on your Matrix Synapse server.
2022-12-28 In memory of Sasha P. Dog
In memory of our beloved dog who passed away so unexpectedly.
2022-12-10 Half-bathroom update
DIY update to the half-bathroom in our house.
2022-12-07 PICO-8 textured raycaster (Dark Streets devlog #2)
Adding wall textures, camera height, and fixing the fish-eye effect in the PICO-8 raycaster.
2022-11-30 PICO-8 raycaster basics (Dark Streets devlog #1)
First steps in writing a first-person shooter in PICO-8.
2022-11-21 Fun times with iOS development
A dive into the ridiculous world of mobile app development at my previous job.
2022-09-06 Smartphone without a battery
How to wire and run an old smartphone without a battery.
2022-08-18 PinePhone Hardware Fixes
Two DIY hardware fixes for PinePhone BraveHeart (rev v1.1) to address battery drain (VBUS) and USB OTG functionality (VCONN)
2022-08-01 Volty Pi - initial research
Shelved project to integrate Raspberry Pi into Chevy Volt's infotainment system.
2022-07-16 SMP (SimpleX Messaging Protocol) server setup
Short guide on how to install SMP server to be used with SimpleX Chat.
2022-07-15 Set up a server for a static Web site and a Gemini capsule
Short guide / walkthrough on how this site / capsule was set up.
2022-03-17 Spot on Raspberry Pi
Building Spot (GTK4 Spotify client) on a Raspberry Pi.
2021-10-20 EasyPave Grid Driveway
Replacing an eroded driveway entrance with interlocking plastic grid pavers.
2021-04-08 JavaSpace
Simple engine for planetary bodies and voxels, written in vanilla JavaScript.
2019-05-01 Weather Pi
Weather forecast display made from a salvaged LCD display, a Raspberry Pi and an old frame.
I enjoy reading books, building electronics projects, tinkering with devices, writing PICO-8 games, various other nerdy things, and good old household DIY.
Visit this site on Gemini (What is Gemini?)
Also visit my friend Dmytro who builds 3D printers and restores computers!
Atom feed2024-12-20 Aggregated list of older smart devices and what OS can be installed on them
Featuring 1100+ devices and 9 operating systems as of now. Looking at periodically refreshing this list.
2024-11-20 Rear camera for my Chevy Volt
Installing and wiring an aftermarket rear camera on my Chevy Volt.
2024-10-25 iPad's audio jack as an external trigger
Using old iPad's 3.5mm audio jack as an input for external buttons or switches.
2024-09-06 Broken Earth Trilogy
Thoughts on N. K. Jemisin's fantastic world.
2024-07-30 Maps and navigation apps for old iOS
(Updated 2025-02-04) Brief overview of map and navigation apps that still work on an old iPad 2 running iOS 6.1.3, iOS 8.4.1, and/or iOS 9.3.5.
2024-06-17 JavaScript click-to-zoom function
Simple JavaScript function to enable click-to-zoom on all images on the page. Written as a solution for WISYWIG site editors without this feature and/or pages that have high-res images squashed to small size.
2024-05-16 Android: boot on plug, launch app after boot, shutdown on condition
(Updated 2024-10-12) Part of the Volty MIR project, but can be used for non-interactive applications.
2024-04-21 Older Spotify Android APK that works much better
Spotify app circa 2021 is more reliable on Android 11 and over bluetooth.
2024-04-08 North American Solar Eclipse
A truly awesome celestial event. Seeing the totality exceeded all of my expectations.
2024-04-04 Volty MIR - [M]ap + [I]intelligent [R]everse Camera (WIP)
Project to build a display capable of showing maps and reverse camera feed for my first-gen Chevy Volt.
2024-03-31 Volty Pi - more ideas
A few more ideas on integrating a carputer into my Chevy Volt.
2024-02-29 Dark Streets Tech Demo 1
Playable demo of a Wolfenstein-like FPS I have been developing on PICO-8.
2024-02-24 Spaceport
New capsule/site build script and small design update.
2024-01-31 Main bathroom update
A few updates in the main bathroom.
2024-01-25 PinePhone - Post daily driver review
Review of PinePhone after a month of daily driving.
2023-12-18 "Banned" by reddit
Reddit makes another step in restricting access.
2023-12-15 PinePhone - ProtonMail
My setup for using ProtonMail on PinePhone.
2023-12-05 PinePhone - Setup
Setting up PinePhone for daily use.
2023-10-31 Spooky stories: My cat is radioactive
Measuring my cat's radiation levels after radioactive iodine (I-131) treatment.
2023-10-20 Coworkers you meet as a software developer
Just some cynical observations from a decade of work.
2023-08-10 Simple Synapse Admin Tool
Small, simple, single-page web tool for handling users, rooms, and registration tokens on your Matrix Synapse server.
2023-06-13 Последний программист (рассказ)
Автор Gerbert V. Franke, перевел с немецкого Ростислав Рыбкин. Опубликован в журнале Наука и Жизнь №7 1990.
2023-04-09 My tech room
Cleaned up and updated basement storage room repurposed for my 3D printers and electronics.
2023-03-14 Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein - my biased thoughts on the book
I finally read Starship Troopers, one of the sci-fi classics and subject of much criticism and political discussion, and these are my (biased) thoughts on it.
2023-02-21 PinePhone adapter for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra accessories
3D-printed back cover for PinePhone that fits Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra accessories, such as battery cases.
2023-01-21 Synapse Room Cleaner
Simple web tool to clean up rooms on your Matrix Synapse server.
2022-12-28 In memory of Sasha P. Dog
In memory of our beloved dog who passed away so unexpectedly.
2022-12-10 Half-bathroom update
DIY update to the half-bathroom in our house.
2022-12-07 PICO-8 textured raycaster (Dark Streets devlog #2)
Adding wall textures, camera height, and fixing the fish-eye effect in the PICO-8 raycaster.
2022-11-30 PICO-8 raycaster basics (Dark Streets devlog #1)
First steps in writing a first-person shooter in PICO-8.
2022-11-21 Fun times with iOS development
A dive into the ridiculous world of mobile app development at my previous job.
2022-09-06 Smartphone without a battery
How to wire and run an old smartphone without a battery.
2022-08-18 PinePhone Hardware Fixes
Two DIY hardware fixes for PinePhone BraveHeart (rev v1.1) to address battery drain (VBUS) and USB OTG functionality (VCONN)
2022-08-01 Volty Pi - initial research
Shelved project to integrate Raspberry Pi into Chevy Volt's infotainment system.
2022-07-16 SMP (SimpleX Messaging Protocol) server setup
Short guide on how to install SMP server to be used with SimpleX Chat.
2022-07-15 Set up a server for a static Web site and a Gemini capsule
Short guide / walkthrough on how this site / capsule was set up.
2022-03-17 Spot on Raspberry Pi
Building Spot (GTK4 Spotify client) on a Raspberry Pi.
2021-10-20 EasyPave Grid Driveway
Replacing an eroded driveway entrance with interlocking plastic grid pavers.
2021-04-08 JavaSpace
Simple engine for planetary bodies and voxels, written in vanilla JavaScript.
2019-05-01 Weather Pi
Weather forecast display made from a salvaged LCD display, a Raspberry Pi and an old frame.