Plasma Mobile
Smooth experience, but fast battery drain.
Known issues
Auto-reconnect to WiFi
Wireless connection does not reconnect after wake or reboot.
Run "sudo nmtui", edit your connection, and set flags for "Automatically connect" and "Available to all users".
postmarketOS issue on GitLabAlternatively, modify the "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MYCONNECTION.nmconnection" file and change "permissions=user:user:;" to "permissions="
Open parent issue on GitLabPure Maps
To properly work, Pure Maps needs:
- OSM Scout Server - provides (offline) maps, install via Discover
- geoclue service - provides GPS/location information, install via terminal
Sound issues
Playing a test sound produces no sound and shows "Invalid state". There is no sound when adjusting the volume. Microphone does not show a level and audio recorder produces files of 0 seconds.
Install possibly missing packages: "sudo apk add pipewire-pulse wireplumber"
Reddit post (about Debian, but still applicable)